Consider the following use-case: We are offering accounting services and we have some difficult customers sometimes (they typically show up at the end of yea...
What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever ...
2 years ago
The following video shows unexpected behaviour when I want to make a list of something: I press ":", then "enter", th...
5 years ago
I'm thinking about using scoold, but i don't want a new tool and would like to integrate it with yammer or microsoft teams. Is it possible ?
5 years ago
Very often, users don't have the diligence to mark a good answer as approved which diminishes the value of this feature. So is it possible for moderators (or...
Turn off the title so they just insert text?
Does Scoold supoprt writing articles as Medium?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالي وبركاته، نقوم بتجربة للغة العربية فقط!
Hi how to install this tool scoold on windows machine. how to use it at an organization there any option to create a group for my organization emplo...
I'm wondering what you like best about Scoold
Are there any plans to support Telegram? Maybe via a Telegram bot (API)?
3 years ago
I see the list of questions listed in tabular form. Is there a way to list structured like forums?
2 years ago
I find it confusing to intially be shown a page with 'No Questions' when I first visit the site. From what I understand, it's showing that as I've not yet lo...
6 years ago
I am just testing this software. it looks nice Thanks
I host the scoold server, para server ando MongoDB server. I found that when I post my server, it shows "must not be empty" under the tag input. I specified ...
6 years ago
How to set the parameters for startup scoold
Hello, Here Ibran, I am new to scoold can any one tell me what is scoold and why we are using this and how we have to use scoold.
one year ago
For some reason it is not possible to access information in the comments when using the 'search'. I would therefore like to disable comments so that no relev...
one year ago
how can i get reputation in Scoold
11 months ago
I tried to test location based question on local environment, but it didn't work. So I give it a try here. I applogize for any inconvevience.
Is there way to search questions and and answers that have been tagged with a particular tag?
Does scoold support Latex formatting?
6 years ago
Is it possible to move a question to a different space?
4 years ago
After i login, how to filter questions raised by me ? I want to go through all my questions to check on the current status.
Ive tried to allow All users to have an access to all existing spaces and could`t find where I can do that. Im login with administrator I go to Users menu an...
6 years ago
Hi all, Newbie here, am running para locally on my Ubuntu server. I would like to allow scoold to use the local system authentication, if possible. Suggestions?
6 years ago
Hi, could you explain how we set up this script on a server step by step ? thank you.