Badges 9
Editor Freshman Teacher Critic Newbie 6 × Reporter Enthusiast Scholar SupporterScoold now allows admins to create post templates with some predined content which could contain useful hints or rules for new members. Go to Ask question > write some text > save as template.
Click the "Send new responses to my email" checkbox when posting an answer.
One pod can definitely handle thousands of users, if it has enough memory and cpu.
- One pod for Para and one for Scoold should be enough
- Try adding more CPU or memory if necessary
- Scoold Pro and Scoold Pro unlimited are the same product, but with unlimited you can run Scoold Pro on any number of hosts.
- Use CloudSQL or Mongo Atlas
This has been added in Scoold 1.50.0
. This is missing from Scoold. I've added a new feature request here.
You are right - the schema for SQL databases is pretty simple. I wouldn't say document DBs are preferred over RDMBSs, it's just that Para is a schemaless backend server so the data fits better inside a document DB. In other words Para expects data in any kind of structure.
No plans for Telegram just yet. Check the README on webhooks for integrating Scoold with Telegram.
Yes, of course, everyone can ask questions. Also, everyone can answer and upvote questions. The features/limitations you describe are not implemented.
Yes, to both questions.
You can enable HTTPS in the JVM using Spring Boot's configuration properties, or use nginx instead. -
The Para Web Console is an open source project - simply clone it and use it however you like. It's 100% client-side, so it doesn't really matter if you host it locally or not.
- Install Java
- Get the Scoold JAR file
- Get the Para JAR file
- Follow the instructions in the README
You can create private groups, called "spaces" inside of Scoold.
Use the Markdown for image links 
Scoold Pro supports image and file uploads.
Of course, you can use the regular SQL browsing tools for your database to interact with the data. Another option is to use to browse the data inside a Para app. It's a simple web console for CRUD operations on objects.
Currently, you can auto-assign tags for new questions if the question contains no tags. It's not possible to make a tag required. How would you decide if a tag is required for a particualar question?
SAML passwords cannot be reset from Scoold.
Usually SAML errors are due to incorrect mapping of attributes, similar to this one:
Missing values for SAML attributes 'name', 'FirstName', 'LastName'.
Make sure you set the names of attributes to match your SAML attributes:
# attribute mappings (usually required)
# e.g. urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 = ""
# e.g. urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 = ""
Only admins can delete user accounts. Go to Profile -> Delete (under the avatar). You can delete your own account from the Settings page.
Yes, moderators and admins can move questions between spaces.
Yes, go to Settings and enable the email notification for new posts.
What kind of integration are you talking about? If you're talking about authenticating with Microsoft Teams, that's already supported.